Dezembro 01, 2004

Tom Waits - Nighthawks at the DinerOn A Foggy Night - Tom Waitson a foggy night, an abandoned roadin a twilight mirror miragewith no indication of a service stationor an all night garage, I was misinformedI was misdirected cause the interchangenever intersected leaving me maroonedbeneath a bloodshot moonall upon a foggy night, on a foggy nightan abandoned road, in a blurred brocadecollage, is that a road motel?I can't really tell, is that what youmight call some kind of a vacancy lodgecause there's no consolation, whatkind of situation to be aimlessly skewedamidst a powder blue?no tell tail light cluespun like the spell you spinthis precarious pandemoniumI'm stranded, all upon a foggy nightall upon a foggy nighton a foggy night